
We teach Shaolin Kung Fu & Jiu-Jitsu

Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the oldest and most respected of the martial arts, Chinese weapons, sparring and grappling. Although there are many styles of Kung Fu available we teach Long Fist, Eagle Claw, and also offer classes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It’s important when choosing a martial arts school to pick a style that resonates with you.

Chángquán (simplified Chinese: 长拳; traditional Chinese: 長拳; pinyin: Chángqúan; literally “Long Fist“) refers to a family of external (as opposed to internal) martial arts (kung fu) styles from northern China.

The forms of the Long Fist style emphasize fully extended kicks and striking techniques, and by appearance would be considered a long-range fighting system. Long Fist uses large, extended, circular movements to improve overall body mobility in the muscles, tendons, and joints. Advanced Long Fist techniques include qin na joint-locking techniques and shuai jiao throws and takedowns.

The Long Fist style is considered to contain a good balance of hand and foot techniques, but in particular it is renowned for its impressive acrobatic kicks. In demonstration events, Long Fist techniques are most popular and memorable for their whirling, running, leaping, and acrobatics. Long Fist’s arsenal of kicks covers everything from a basic front toe-kick to a jumping back-kick, from a low sweep to a tornado-kick.

Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu, as mentioned above, is part of the long fist (Chang Quan) family.  The movements, like stepping, kicking and punching can be short, simple and versatile.  While fighting in the Shaolin style, one advances and retreats in a straight line, making the style simple, fast and effective.


Ying Jow Pai (Chinese: 鷹爪派; pinyin: yīng zhǎo pài) is a style of Chinese martial arts known for its gripping techniques, system of joint locks, takedowns, and pressure point strikes, which is representative of Chinese grappling known as Chin Na. The style is normally attributed to the famous patriotic Song Dynasty General Yue Fei. Popular legends states that he learned martial arts and archery from a Shaolin Monk named Zhou Tong after his original spear master and martial arts teacher, Chen Guang died.

To train his soldiers, General Yue Fei created the “108 locking techniques”.  The footwork included low kicks, sweeps, and trips to disrupt the opponent’s balance.  His soldiers continously fought and defeated the Jurchens, Siberian tribes people, invading northern China earning a fierce reputation for “Ying Kuen” or Eagle Fist.

Years later, during the Ming Dynasty (c. 1368 AD), a Shaolin monk named Lai Chin combined General Ngok Fei’s 108 fighting techniques with the kicking and footwork of the northern Fanzi System.  Today, both kung fu styles are blended to form one complete system known as “Ying Jow Pai.”


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Portuguese pronunciation: [ʒuˈʒitsu], English: /dʒuːˈdʒɪtsuː/) is a martial art, combat sport, and a self defense system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. The art was derived from the Japanese martial art of Kodokan judo in the early 20th century, which was itself developed from a number of schools (or Ryu) of Japanese jujutsu in the 19th century.

It teaches that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique—most notably by applying joint-locks and chokeholds to defeat the other person. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be trained for sport grappling tournaments (gi and no-gi) and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition or self defense. Sparring (commonly referred to as ‘rolling’) and live drilling play a major role in training, and a premium is placed on performance, especially in competition.

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We are a charter member of Warriors Fusion (formerly known as the National Association of Chinese Martial Arts). This organization is instrumental in spreading traditional Chinese Martial Arts throughout the east coast.

For our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu students who wish to compete, we attend the North American Grappling Association tournaments. They host four tournaments a year in Florida.

4 Responses to Styles

  1. Sam Johnson says:

    i have studies martial arts off and on for a lifetime. Studied Bando Karate as a sixth grader. Took Kung Fu San Soo in High school. Studied a MMA style in ‘Denver, CO from 1990 to 2005 called Omniform. It incorporated karate, Tae Kwon Do, jujitsu, Aikido, Boxing and kickboxing as well as yoga. Started taking Shao-lin kung fu at the Chinese Shao-lin kung fu center in Denver, Co and was most impressed with Shao-lin over other styles i havelearned. They teach two forms of Tai Chi, Chin Na, (Qin Na), Chi Kung (Chinese Yoga), Southern Fist, Northern Fist, all animal styles/forms and all 18 classical weapons. Master The’ from China comes to visit the school often for special training. I am extremely enthusiastic martial artist and would like more information about your school. Feel free to call me at 772-631-5415

    • Hi Sam,

      Thanks for the inquiry about our school. It sounds like your school in Denver was very thorough. I have also taught Yang and Chen styles of Tai Chi and our Chin-Na has an emphasis on Eagle Claw. We teach Northern and Southern Longfist as well as Cannon Fist forms and Traditional Eagle Claw.

      Please call me at 772-225-1959 to talk about getting you involved in our school. I’m sure with your experience you would be a welcome addition.

      Sifu Kevin Ritter

  2. Tom Kane says:

    I have been a student of the martial arts for more than 30 years. The main focus of this journey has been learning Bando, Burmese kick boxing, which in many ways is similar to Muay Thai. Though I continue to learn and perform Bando, the popularity of ground fighting allows one to easily recognize that there is more to the martial arts than stand up fighting skills. Accordingly, I began to search for a Jiu-Jitsu instructor. Those 30 years of stand up martial experience have helped me to recognize the value of methodology, and the importance of character and integrity of the instructor. All of these qualities will be found in Kevin Ritter and the Jensen Beach US Kung Fu and BJJ Academy.

    Kevin Ritter’s school is for those students that are interested in the complete martial arts experience. Learning a martial art is accomplished through organized, methodical, progressive instruction. However, the proficiency one gains must be intertwined with the understanding that development as martial artists must be accompanied by personal growth and the development of character. If we are to judge the success of a martial arts instructor by these standards, it is without hesitation of qualifications or character that I recommend Kevin Ritter as a teacher. Based upon these high standards a more qualified instructor and facility are difficult to find.

  3. Ritch Ryan says:

    I met Kevin Ritter in 2000 in his school in Chicopee, Mass. I was looking to replace my TKD training with Wing Chun due to continuing back problems. Kevin suggested Tai Chi instead. My wife and I spent almost 2 years studying Tai Chi and Qigong. Fourteen years later we are still teaching much of what we learned. I currently hold certifications from the American Tai Chi & Qigong Association and the National Qigong Association. In addition, my back issues have improved greatly.
    Any one with back issues, would do well by learning tai chi from Kevin.
    Thanks Kevin

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